Wednesday 12 March 2008

Pantothenic Acid

all you need to know about vitamin B5

Overcoming the Pain of Inflammatory Arthritis
Overcoming the Pain of Inflammatory Arthritis

List Price: $11.95
Amazon Price: $2.00

Average Customer Rating: (2 reviews)
Editorial Review: Outlines using pantothenic acid in a successful struggle inflammatory arthritis.

Customer Reviews:
Summary: Pantothenic Acid works!
Content: In her book Phyllis Eisenstein says she first read about pantothenic acid in Adelle Davis's book "Let's Get Well." I read Adelle Davis's book over 10 years ago and tried the pantothenic acid (500 mg. twice a day) with food and it absolutely works for me. It took about a month for me, but the pain and swelling in my hands miraculously subsided. I've realized that I'll have to take this the rest of my life because when I quit taking it the pain, swelling and burning of my hands and joints returns.

This website provides information about vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) and its use in the human body; why vitamin B5 is necessary for health, what happens if you have too much or overdose or have too little and develop a vitamin B5 deficiency. The site provides details of nutrition, the recommended daily allowance for each vitamin (RDA) and how to source vitamin B5 to ensure a healthy balanced diet. Guidance is given on the vitamin content of specific foods and vitamin supplements are available to buy.

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