Tuesday 15 January 2008


All you need to know about Cystitis

You Don't Have to Live with Cystitis
You Don't Have to Live with Cystitis

List Price: $13.95
Amazon Price: $4.96

Average Customer Rating: (14 reviews)
Editorial Review:

Many women have been led to believe that a urinary tract infection signals the beginning of a chronic, painful problem that is fated to reoccur despite treatment. The good news is that You Don't Have to Live With Cystitis. Dr. Larrian Gillispie, a female uro-gynecologist widely recognized in the scientific and medical community and one of the few doctors with expertise in the area of pelvic pain, has shown that women can break out of the vicious cycle of cystitis. From the outset, You Don't Have to Live With Cystitis has helped millions of women. This updated edition reflects newly discovered causes and treatments:
•Immediate steps to reduce suffering
•The surprising role of excercise and lower back problems
•Updated treatment and prevention options --
from diet to surgery
•How antibiotics may cause hormone problems
•Which method ...

Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours

Customer Reviews:
Summary: IC Pain - Gone!!! (and so is other pain like neck and back)
Content: With over 30 years of IC pain, I was tolerating only water and green beans until I read this book. The author, an IC sufferer and doctor, includes a wealth of suggestions which I immediately was easily able to incorporate into my diet and life style. Yes, the foods IC sufferers cannot tolerate are listed in her book which I found very helpful!

As a high school teacher and a mother of a medical doctor, the knowledge I acquired in this book led me to a FOOD SUPPLEMENT which has STOPPED my IC pain-it's been over 8 years that I have been taking this, not to mention no more neck and back pain, severe menstrual pain, a decrease in allergies, a clearer complexion, etc. YES! - A miracle food supplement for me! Prior to the discovery of this food supplement, my urologist offered an option of removing my bladder and wearing an external bag! I was about to give up teaching because I felt like a zombie from the IC pain that awakened me every hour during the night, let alone, all the trips to the lavatory in between every high school class period! The food/drink/vitamin information in this book and the food supplement I discovered have stopped the IC pain, as well as other pain.

What a fabulous domino effect! I started noticing that this same food supplement was stopping other pains! Prior to my taking this food supplement, the orthopedist recommended that I have neck and back surgery after years of recurrent episodes of excruciating pain when repeated physical therapy sessions and pain medications failed to provide relief. To avoid surgery, I went to a chiropractor for the first time in my life which continued for five years with therapy visits required every two months to stay pain free. I then went to a neurologist for a second opinion of the chiropractor's progress on my neck and back. The neurologist said I would always need to be under the chiropractor's care if I was to avoid the neck and back surgery . . . until the FOOD SUPPLEMENT stopped my neck and back pain! I have not seen my chiropractor in over 8 years or any other doctor for neck and back pain since taking this food supplement!!!

I take one tablet after breakfast every day and I am pain free!!! Basically, it is a naturally-occurring substance in everyone's body that feeds the nerve endings so that they are healthy and pain free; but, in some people this substance does not replenish itself as fast as the body expends it and, thus, the pain. This food supplement is a naturally-occurring source of organically-bound dietary sulfur that replenishes this deficit without side effects. It contains no solvents, sugar, salt, yeast, wheat, corn, dairy products, coloring, flavoring, or preservatives.

A well-known urogynecologist in Connecticut who sees many IC patients refers her IC patients to me to supply them with this food supplement.


Thank you, Dr. Gillespie, for the knowledge in your book is what led me to discover this food supplement which has returned me to a normal life!!! I have been able to continue teaching which has allowed me to provide the financial support to meet the educational needs of my son who is now a Physical Education teacher and my daughter who is graduating this May from the University of Connecticut Medical Center in Hartford, Connecticut, as a medical doctor and to support my husband as he was caught up in the corporate buyouts and found himself unemployed until he changed careers and is now a U.S. Post Office employee. I can only imagine where my family and I would be had I not read your book!

You will refer to her book over and over again - as I have!!!

This website gives you information about cystitis; what causes it, the symptoms of cystitis, how cystitis is diagnosed and the treatment for cystitis. Also details of how you can avoid getting cystitis. There are some natural remedies suggested to treat mild cystitis, and information about different types of cystitis.

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